Že nekaj časa sem po različnih blogih občudovala tiskanje z rastlinami. Končno sem se opogumila, pripravila svilene šale in začela. Kakšni lepi tiski! No, vsaj zame, za tiste, ki sem jim te šale pokazala in za tiste, ki so jih kupili.
Na prvem sem na živo rumeno osnovo, pobarvano z listi rusa (octovca) položila lepe travniške cvetice, ki sem jih našla, ko sem se z Ambrožem, tretjim vnukom, sprehajala ob gozdu.
It has been for some time now that I've been admiring blogs with plant printing. At last I took courage, prepared some silk scarves and started. What beautiful prints! Well, at least for me, for those whom I showed the scarves and for those who bought them.
On the first scarf dyed with sumac leaves (Rhus) I placed sweet little meadow flowers I found on my walk with Ambrož, my third grandson, on the verge of a forest.

Pa še posnetek od blizu.
And a closeup.
Potem sem pojedla kar precej gozdnih jagod, ki mi jih je Ambrož pomagal iskati (sam pa jih ne je) in sem se spomnila, da bi to bil lep odtis na svili. In je nastal tale šal spodaj Slika ni najboljša, v resnici je šal lepši.
Then I ate pretty many forest strawberries that Ambrož helped me find (he doesn't eat them) and it occurred to me they could make a nice print on silk. This is how the next scarf was made (below). The picture does not do it justice, in reality the scarf is prettier.
Pri njegovi drugi stari mami - mami Slavki - sem opazila rdečelistno lesko. Nekaj listov sem uporabila za naslednji šal.
At his other grandma's - mama Slavka - I noticed a redleaf hazelnut bush. I used a few leaves to make the next scarf.