Vse, kar delam z VOLNO - predvsem barvam z rastlinami, filcam, pletem, kvačkam.... pa tudi s SVILO, BOMBAŽEM, pa še kaj drugega zanimivega ...
My blog contains my work with WOOL - above all natural dyeing, felting, knitting, crochetting.... and also with SILK, COTTON , and other interesting things off topic ...
Sestri sem za rojstni dan hotela narediti nekaj posebnega, pa sem se - prvič - lotila filcanja čisto tankega kosa - koprene. Naredila sem dvobarvno in še rožico s tretjo barvo, ki sem jo nato izvezla z volneno prejo v isti barvi. Darilo sem zapakirala v to kopreno kot v celofan, samo da se je koprena lepo ulegla navzdol, ker je zelo mehka.
Sestri je bilo všeč darilo in embalaža, meni je koprena zelo všeč in jih bom naredila še nekaj v podobnih pastelnih barvah.
I wanted to make something special for my sister's birthday so I decided on a cobweb - my first cobweb. I made it in two colours, using a third colour for the small flower that I then stitched with a wool yarn in the same colour. I packed the gift in the cobweb as if it were a sheet of cellophane only it bended downwards as it is very soft.
My sister liked both the gift and the wrap, I like the cobweb very much so I'm going to make some more in similar pastel colours. Rožica - da se vidi, da je res filcana z drugo (pravzaprav s tretjo) barvo volne.
Detail - the flower - to show it is really made with wool in a different colour.