Vse, kar delam z VOLNO - predvsem barvam z rastlinami, filcam, pletem, kvačkam.... pa tudi s SVILO, BOMBAŽEM, pa še kaj drugega zanimivega ...
My blog contains my work with WOOL - above all natural dyeing, felting, knitting, crochetting.... and also with SILK, COTTON , and other interesting things off topic ...
Le kje se mudi pomlad??!! V moji vazi je takorekoč že poletje, saj borovnice ne samo zelenijo, ampak tudi že cvetijo - tile mali snežnobeli cvetki so borovnice, ki so vzcvetele v cvetličarskem šopku od začetka februarja.
But where is spring lingering??!! There is summer in my vase, so to say, since the bluberries are not only leafy but already in flowers - the small snowwhite flowers are blueberries that started to bloom in a florist bouquet since beginning of February.
Da laže čakam na bolj svetle, tople, sončne in barvite dni, si pomagam z lepimi volnami, pobarvanimi s cvetjem šentjanževke (sliki zgoraj in spodaj). Te barve me res razveselijo vsakič, ko jih pogledam!
To make my waiting for brighter, warmer, sunnier and more colourful days easier I have recourse to my lovely wool yarns dyed with St. John's wortflowers (see the picture above and below). These colours make me happy every time I watch them!