Vse, kar delam z VOLNO - predvsem barvam z rastlinami, filcam, pletem, kvačkam.... pa tudi s SVILO, BOMBAŽEM, pa še kaj drugega zanimivega ...
My blog contains my work with WOOL - above all natural dyeing, felting, knitting, crochetting.... and also with SILK, COTTON , and other interesting things off topic ...
Končno sem se odločila, dauporabim nekaj prelepe modre volne za filcanje. Tomažu sem za 40-letnico naredila metuljčka iz dveh modrih, ki sem ju pobarvala januarja letos, pa še malo svilenih vlaken, nepobarvanih. Za metulja sem si naredila model, ker nisem želela sterilnih geometrijskih oblik. Naredila sem mu celo tipalke, da se ne izgubi...
I eventually decided to use some of the beautiful blue carded wool for felting. I felted a butterfly for Tomaž's 40th birthday. I used two blues I had dyed in January this year, and some silk fibers, undyed. To make the butterfly I had drawn a template because I didn't want any sterile geometric shapes. I even provided it with tentacles so it wouldn't get lost ...