Wednesday 11 March 2009

Vso pobarvano volno spravljam v red - Putting in order all my dyed wool

Tole je delček moje rastlinsko barvane volnene "proizvodnje", ki sem se jo lotila urejati. Sklenila sem, da prej ne bom ne barvala ne filcala, dokler tega ne uredim. Zato tudi nisem nič objavila na blogu, pa še viroza me je položila za dva tedna. Ampak blog brez novih objav je dolgočasen, ne, pa objavljam to svoje "delo".
This is a small portion of my natural dyed "production" that I tackled. I decided I would not do any dyeing or felting before all this wool is put in order. That's why I have not posted on my blog for an entire month. An additional reason is that I lay ill with some viral infection for two weeks. But a blog with no new postings is rather dull so I decided to show show the "work" I'm doing now.
Prva slika je barvno bolj slaba, dobro pa se vidi, koliko različnih nians iz ene rastline sem dobila in jih zdaj urejam in oštevilčim na nek smiseln in pregleden način. Na mizi so nianse iz rabarbare (razen močnejše rjave volne zgoraj, ki je - verjetno - od orehovih listov). Od vsake nianse vzamem podolgovat kosem volne, ki ga bom vstavila v DNEVNIK BARVANJA in še en kosem, ki ga bom ufilcala v filcan trak iz naravne bele volne. Ampak tole je šele april 2008 :-( The first picture represents the colours only poorly but it shows very well how many shades of colour are derived from one plant which I'm now sorting and numbering in a logical and indicative way. The materials lying on the table were obtained from rhubarb roots (except the stronger brown yarn which was probably obtained from wallnut leaves). I draw out a lengthy piece of carded wool (I must apologize – the expressions may not be right) from each colour that I will fix into my DYEING LOGBOOK, and an additional piece that I will incorporate into a felted stripe from natural white wool. But I only arrived as far as April 2008 :-(

Kdo ugane, kaj je na tej sliki levo poleg svinčnika? Odgovore napišite v treh dneh, nagrad ni - he-he ...

Who can guess what is in this photo on the left of the pencil? Post your answer within three days, but be aware there are no prizes (smile) ...


K said...

Kokosova vlakna?

Ladka said...

Nak, tole so smeti, ki so ostale na mizi po prekladanju in previjanju volne :-)