Thursday 22 August 2013

Sončnica in kozmeja - Sunflower and yellow cosmos

Sončnicam je letošnje vroče vreme zelo prijalo, če že drugim rastlinam na vrtu ni preveč. Tako cvetove sproti režem, da mi krasijo dnevno sobo, ko začnejo veneti, pa uporabim še za barvanje.
Sunflowers liked this summer's hot weather, if most other plants in my garden didn't. So I cut flower heads regularly and use them to decorate my living room. When they start to wilt I use them for natural dyeing.
Ker se mi je zdelo premalo materiala od ene sončnice, sem potrgala še nekaj cvetov kozmeje, ki raste tudi na balkonu, dodala nekaj posušenih cvetov kozmeje ...
Since the material from only one sunflower head appeared to be insufficient for a good dye bath I also picked some flower heads on the cosmos growing in a pot on my balkony, and added a few dried ones...

... in skuhala barvilno kopel.
Volna se še pere oziroma počasi barva v hladni kopeli - slike prihodnjič.

... and boiled everything to obtain a dyebath.
Wool is being washed or undergoing slow dyeing in a cool bath - pictures coming soon.


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