Monday 26 October 2015

Nogavice za Krištofa - Socks for Krištof

Krištof je moj najstarejši vnuk. Prosil me je, če mu spletem tople nogavice za njegova potepanja v naravi, ki vključujejo tudi taborjenje v hladnih nočeh. Želel je nekaj res toplega in tako je bila moja domača volna v dve niti ravno prava. Ker ne pričakujem, da bo zelo pazil nanje, nisem uporabila veliko (dragocene) barvane volne, samo rdeče pete in na desni nogavici okrasni vzorček iz rdeče volne. Za rdečo sem uporabila barvilni brošč. Barvi se lepo dopolnjujeta. Krištofu so nogavice zelo všeč, jaz pa sem tega vesela.
P.S. Noge ima ogromne, nosi številko 47.
Pa še nekaj slik.
Krištof is my eldest grandson. He wanted me to knit warm socks for his hiking, trekking and the like, also camping outside during cold nights. He wanted something really warm so my two-ply wool was ideal for the purpose. As I don't expect him to take good care of the socks I didn't use much of my (precious) dyed wool, just red heels and an inlay on the right sock. The red wool was dyed with madder and goes very well with the undyed grey wool. He likes them very much, which makes me quite happy.
P.S. His feet are enormous, no. 47 (European I guess).
Here are a few more pictures of the socks.


Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

Very wonderful socks. Youre a great knitter.

Stitching Lady said...

Oh goodness, those legs are so funny and beautiful - the socks!!! Wonderful.