Krhlika je en tak navaden grm, nič posebnega na pogled. Ima pa, vsaj zame, dve posebnosti: prva je, da se na njej hrani gosenica metulja citronček (Gonepteryx rhamnii), druga pa to, da daje krasne barve na volni.
Alder buckthorn is a bush with nothing special about when you look at it. But it is special to me in two ways: it is the host to the caterpillar of brimstone butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamnii), and secondly,it gives beautiful colours on wool.
Po navadi olupim sveže vejice, ko so v soku, včasih pa tudi kaj starejšega in debelejšega. Ob lupljenju izteka živorumen sok, ki močno obarva prste, a se na srečo zlahka izmije.
I usually peel fresh twigs when sappy, and sometimes also older and thicker twigs. Bright yellow sap runs from them that badly stains my fingers but is fortunately easily washed off.

Preja na zgornjih slikah je strojno predena in te sem pobarvala največ. Pravzaprav toliko, da še ne vem, kako bi jo uporabila in je na voljo tudi kakšni ljubiteljici domače volne, barvane z rastlinami.
The yarn in the pictures above is machine spun and I dyed a lot of it. In fact so much that I do not have a use for all of it. So it is available to those who love naturally dyed autochthonous farmer's wool.
Za izziv sem pobarvala česano volno in jo spredla na kolovrat. Je debelejša in neenakomerna.
I challenged myself and dyed carded wool and spun it on my spinning wheel. It is thicker and of uneven diameter.
Pletena v gladkem vzorcu
Knit in stockinette stitch
Tudi ta je na voljo. Spredla sem različne količine različnih odtenkov in debelin - mogoče bi pa še lepše prišla do izraza v tkanju?
This yarn is also available. I've spun various amounts of different shades and thicknesses - perhaps it would best show its beauty in weaving?
Happy Easter.
I'm glad to see the colour from Alder Buckthorn. I have one in my garden to feed those butterflies- How do you prepare the bark?
Happy Easter to you too!
The bark was fermented. A rather smelly procedure😏
Thank you, and thanks for your English text. Sloveinian is beautiful, but not an easy language to read for me.
Do you ferment the fresh bark or dry it first?
I'll have to wait for some years to try it out, an my tree is small still, and I want the butterflies to eat first. They are called Lemon butterflies in Danish as well, so easy :)
PS: Your spinning is impressing.
It is said that fresh buckthorn bark should be allowed to dry at least for six months before used and then the colour is best. Some dyers say it should be three years old (dried). Mine was nine years old and was old enough for sure.
You are very skilled. I like the colour.
God bless.
God bless. Thank you for visiting my Blog.
Thank you for visiting my blog. God bless.
Many thanx for your visit and comment.
God bless.
Thank you for your recent visit to my Blog.
God bless.
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