Sunday 30 November 2008

Filcane drobnjarije - Small felted items

Filcano milo. Kvadraten kos glicerinskega mila z medom sem ufilcala v volno, barvano z jelševimi listi. Temni kosem volne je namenoma le delno ufilcan, tako da je struktura bolj zanimiva. Felted soap bar. I felted a square bar of glycerine soap with honey into wool dyed with alder tree leaves. The darker wool is intentionally only partly felted into the yellow wool to make the structure more interesting .
Tole rožico sem sfilcala iz več nians rumene barve, ki sem jih dobila z zaporednim barvanjem z vrbovimi listi.
I felted this flower using wool of various nuances of yellow obtained with consecutive dyeing in willow tree leaves dyeing bath.

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