Saturday 14 March 2009

Slika za ozadje bloga - My picture for Main background

To sliko bi rada dala za ozadje bloga namesto svetlo zelene, pa ne znam. Poslala sem vprašanje na Blogger forum in dobila odgovor, pa ga ali ne razumem ali pa ne deluje. Ima kdo več praktičnih izkušenj?

I'd like to use this picture for my blog main background instead of the light green but I don't know how to do it. I popsted the question on the Blogger forum and got an answer that I either don't understand or it doesn't work. Anybody out there more experienced?

1 comment:

Be Grim said...

Hi Ladka;
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog; I see that you are up to some interesting experiments as well! It's nice we can share our ideas & keep in touch across the world.

As far as using your own picture for the background, I'm afraid I can't help you. I've found certain aspects of Blogger frustrating to work with, especially when trying to customize(and asking for help in the forums isn't always very helpful!) Perhaps if you see someone else's blog who is using their own personal picture as a background, you could write and ask them how they did it.
Good luck and happy organizing!