Thursday 30 April 2009

Barvano z zelenimi orehi - Dyed with green walnuts

Zelenin orehi dajo krasno žametno temnorjavo barvo (najtemnejši barvi na sliki). Potem pa je barve v orehih še toliko, da sem barvala naprej in dobila še nekaj odtenkov od rdečkaste do oranžne in rumenkaste, preden je končno ostala samo še bež (najsvetlejša na sliki), ko se mi je zdela vsa barva v barvilni kopeli porabljena in sem jo zavrgla.
Orehova barva mi je zelo všeč in bom letos junija spet skušala dobiti zelene orehe.
Green walnuts give a beautiful velvet dark brown colour (the darkest two skeins in the picture). After the first dyeing there was so much dye left in the walnuts that I continued dyeng new skeins and obtained several nuances passing from reddish to orange and yellowish to finish in a beige (the lightest colour in the picture) when the dye bath seemed exhausted and I discarded it.
I like the walnut colour very much and will try to obtain green walnuts again this June.


Beth Grim said...

What a lovely range of browns! They remind me of a box of chocolates. mmm. You're inspiring me to dig out my old walnut hulls (they've been in a bucket soaking all winter)

Ladka said...

Hi, Beth! I've only dyed with fresh green walnuts, cut and boiled. I've never used only the hulls. When do you pick them (at what stage of maturity, dryness etc) and how do you then process them? If I learn how to use the hulls I can dye much more wool. I do love the chocolate colour walnuts give on wool. Do you have any pictures of wool or silk or cotton dyed with walnuts?