Vse, kar delam z VOLNO - predvsem barvam z rastlinami, filcam, pletem, kvačkam.... pa tudi s SVILO, BOMBAŽEM, pa še kaj drugega zanimivega ...
My blog contains my work with WOOL - above all natural dyeing, felting, knitting, crochetting.... and also with SILK, COTTON , and other interesting things off topic ...
Vesele božične praznike in vse dobro v letu 2010 želim vsem, ki se ustavite na mojem blogu!
Merry Christmas season and all the best in 2010 to everybody that stops by my blog!Letos sem božične in novoletne voščilnice izdelala na svojem ročno izdelanem papirju, na katerega sem prilepila sličice jaslic ali svete družine (in jih zaprla v kuverte, preden sem pomislila, da bi jih bilo dobro fotografirati, ojoj).
Na druge sem prilepila kartončke z zvezdo repatico, večje in manjše pozlačene zvezdice, narisala zlatega angelčka skozi šablono - kot vidite na zgornjih fotografijah.Zraven sem poslušala in si prepevala božične pesmi in preživela res lepe urice v mislih na vse tiste, ki sem jim voščilnice poslala.
This year I made my Christmas and New Year Cards with my handmade paper. I glued pictures of Nativity or the Holy Family on them - and closed the envelopes before it occurred to me it would be wise to take some photos :-(
I made others by gluing smaller pieces of carton with a Christmas Star, small and large stars painted gold, draw a golden angel using a template - as may be seen in the above pictures. While doing this I listened to and sang Christmas carols. I spent really pleasant hours thinking of those I was going to send the cards.
Pred božičnimi prazniki sem sfilcala en ducat kapic (ali klobučkov, če hočete) za steklene kozarčke. Sedaj vanje dajem domači čaj, doma narejeno marmelado, bučne peške - pa je darilce bolj ljubko. Uporabila sem svojo rastlinsko barvano volno, večinoma naše jezersko-solčavske ovce, nekaj pa je volne creške pramenke.
Before the Christmas holiday I wetfelted a dozen of caps (or hats if you like) for small glass jars. Now I've been filling them with home tea mixture, homemade marmalade, courgette seeds - and the gift is nicely packaged. I used my own natural dyed wool, mostly from Slovenian breed Jezersko-solčavska ovca, some is of sheep native on the island Cres.
Starejši hčerki sem za rojstni dan naredila darilce iz naravno - rastlinsko barvane volne (le zelena je sintetična). Tokrat sem poleg mokrega filcanja uporabila tudi suho filcanje z iglo za številko, cvetko, listke in bunkice.
I made a birthday gift for my elder daughter. I used natural dyed wool except for the green which is synthetic. Beside wet felting I also used needle felting technique to make the digits, the flower, leaves and beads.