Saturday 21 January 2012

Filcani copati - Felted slippers

Takole poteka delo od kupa česane volne do filcanih copatov:
- Volno sem natehtala na-  Volno sem natehtala, za vsako stran modela - levo in desno, zgoraj in spodaj - štirje kupčki ...
This is how I proceeded when I made a pair of felted slippers:
-  I weighed four heaps of carded wool, one for each half of the resist, for the upper and the lower side...

... razporedila po modelu, omočila, najprej na eni in nato na drugi strani ...

-   I layered it onto the template, wetted, on each side ...

-  filcala na eni...
- felted on one side ...
-   in nato na drugi strani ...  
- and then on the other side
- ko se je navzgor potegnil ves filc, ko sem ga povlekla in ni več razpadal na posamezna vlakna (pinch test), sem prerezala ... 
-   I made the pinch test and cut the felt...
-  in izvlekla model...
-  removed the resist ...
-  nato sem najprej utrdila prerezani rob na obeh copatih (levi je že, desni še ne, če se slučajno ne vidi dobro)...
- I secured the cut felt on each slipper (the one on the left is done and the one on the right not yet, in case the picture doesn't show it well) ...
- vsak copat posebej filcala od zunaj in od znotraj ...
-  I continued to felt each slipper on the outside and the inside ...

-  tule je zraven vileda za primerjavo velikosti pred dodatnim filcanjem in skrčenjem ...
 - the washing cloth (19 x 19 cm) to show the size before fulling and shrinking ...
- oprala, da sem izprala vso milnico, pa tudi rese, ki so v naši domači volni... 
- I washed several times to rinse out all detergent ...
- copate sem tokrat strojno pobarvala s sintetično barvo Marabu Fashion Colour, temno zelena, za bombaž (na volno je prijela zelo malo).
-  and dyed the slippers in the machine this time, using the synthetic dark green Marabu Fashion Colour for cotton (it dyed wool poorly).

V pralnem stroju so se copati zelo skrčili: računala sem na številko 41, dobila pa sem komaj 38. Tole pranje v stroju je problem, ki ga moram še rešiti :-(

In the washing machine the slippers shrank to number 38 when I was after 41 - machine washing is a problem yet to be solved :-(

Ampak copati so luštni, nosijo se prijetno - čisto pravi lepi filcani copati!
Nevertheless, the slipers are cute, cosy to wear - a good pair of beautiful felted slippers!


Sonja said...

Hvala za prikaz, prav zanimivo zgleda :)

cyndy said...
