Saturday 31 March 2012

Volnene velikonočne voščilnice - Woolly Easter cards

 Kmalu bo Velika noč in počasi skončujem svoje letošnje volnene velikonočne voščilnice.  Nekaj sem jih naredila s striženo volno in nekaj s česano, vso seveda barvano z rastlinami. Filc sem pritrdila na ročno izdelan papir. Na nekatere sem svoje voščilo napisala na papir, pri tistih, ki so pregrobi za pisanje, pa sem dodala razlikano čajno vrečko, obarvano s čajem.

Easter holidays are near and I've nearly completed my woolly Easter cards. I made some cards using shorn locks and others with carded wool; of course all wool is natural dyed. I fastened felted pieces onto handmade paper. I wrote some wishes on the paper and when it was too rough for writing I added a tea dyed bag I had ironed before.

Takole so bili videti filci v vodi, kjer sem jih spirala.
This is how felted pieces looked floating in rinsing water.

Začetek je bil videti takole: strižena volna, česana volna in različne nitke in koščki. 
This was the beginning: wool flocks, carded wool and various yarns and pieces.

Nekaj voščilnic pa sem izvezla na zeleno sintetično platno in na stramin.
I also stitched some Easter cards on green synthetic cloth and on etamine.

Voščilnice sem delala v nekakšnem mirnem veselju in je to zame tudi priprava na velikonočne praznike. Upam, da bodo razveselile tudi tiste, ki so jim namenjene.

I made the cards in sort of peaceful joy and it was also my preparation for the Easter holiday. I hope they raise the spirits of those who will receive them.


Ella said...

That is so clever,i like the felted cards.And thank you for your email it was great help.

rachel said...
