Saturday, 31 October 2009

Jesenski šibori z želodom - Autumn shibori with acorns

V internetni skupini Working with felt (Working withfelt) je bil jesenski izziv v šibori tehniki, z navodili za začetnike. Nisem si mogla kaj, da ne bi poskusila, čeprav mi sicer šibori na filcu ni pretirano všeč. Tale izdelek mi je kar simpatičen, le zelena ne paše zraven (seveda, saj ni naravna, ampak sintetična, pa še čisto presvetla je). The Working with felt community (Working withfelt) offered an autumn challenge in shibori technique, with instructions for beginners. I just couldn't refrain from trying it although I'm not very fond on shibori in felt. I quite like this product, only the green doesn't go with the other colours (of course, since it is not natural but synthetic).Še slikca iz profila. A pic in the side view. Takole sem v napol izdelan filc zavezala en želod s kapico in eno kapico. This is how I tied an acorn with a cap and a separate cap into felt before fulling. abcčdef

Monday, 19 October 2009

Svilen šal za Manyo - Silk scarf for Manya

V gozdnih požarih avgusta letos v Grčiji je nastala ogromna škoda. Zgorelo je tudi veliko gozda, ki ga je treba znova zasaditi. Manya Maratou z lokalno skupnostjo organizira prodajno razstavo izdelkov umetnostne obrti, da bi zbrali denar za pogozdovanje. Vsi, ki vam je mar okolje, še predobro veste, kako je ponovno pogozdovanje pomembno, tudi zato, da preprečimo širjenje sušnih območij, ki grozi Grčiji.

Na njihovem blogu ( lahko sledite akciji “Umetnost za drevesa” ('Art for Trees'), lahko pa tudi sami prispevate svoje umetniške in /ali ročno narejene izdelke. Zbirajo se na naslovu:

PO Box 66 Marathon, 19007 Attiki Grčija c/o Manya Maratou

in sicer do konca oktobra. Za vse donacije prisrčna hvala v imenu Manye in njenih sodelavcev.

Mainland in Greece was ravaged by wildfires in August this year. Forests were burned and the area needs reforestation. Manya Maratou, together with local people, organises an exhibition of arts and crafts to raise funds for the reforestation of the area. The environmentalists amongst you will be all too aware of the importance of reforestation, also to prevent desertificaton which is a real threat in Greece.

You may follow the progress of the 'Art for Trees' campaign on the blog and donate your products. Send them to the following address:

PO Box 66 Marathon, 19007 Attiki Greece c/o Manya Maratou

to be received by the end of Octobre. Thank you in advance for any donations on behalf of Manya and her teammates.

Bori umirajo pokončno - Pine trees die standing