Friday 15 May 2020

Sadike indiga - Indigo seedlings


Če drugega ne, je bil tale čas upočasnitve življenja zaradi pandemije pripraven za bolj skrbno vzgojo vrtnih sadik. Poleg nekaj paradižnikov in paprik sejem tudi nekaj barvilnih rastlin, med drugim japonski indigo. Tudi toplo, skoraj vroče vreme je bilo za vzgojo ugodno. Takole sta se lepo razrasli dve sadiki indiga (nas sliki zgoraj), za njima je pa še več manjših sadik.
If nothing else, this slowdown of all life due to the corona pandemic offered much time for better care of seedlings to be planted in the garden. Beside a few tomatoes and paprikas (sweet peppers) I also sow some dyeing plants including Japanese indigo. The warm, almost hot weather was quite favourable for their growth. The two young plants in the pot (in the picture above) are well grown, followed by several smaller plants.


Posejala sem tudi koreopsis in kozmejo, da bo poletje bolj rumeno in oranžno.

I also sowed coreopsis and cosmos to make my summer more yellow and orange.

V nizki skledi so se mi od lani razrasli netreski, ki so zdaj odganjali živice z malimi novimi bunkicami. Ker v skledi ni bilo več prostora, so silili kvišku. Sem se spomnila, da poslikam šele potem, ko sem potrgala že precej rozet.
Houseleeks growing in a shallow bowl since last year grew new offsets with tiny balls. Since they overgrew all the soil surface in the bowl they made their way upwards into a heap. Unfortunately I only remembered to take a photo after I'd torn away several rosettes.


Posadila sem jih v plitve sklede, dodala lepe kamne z mojih potepanj po Solčavskem, pod Olševo in tam okrog -  zdaj pa lahko spet rastejo!

I planted them in shallow bowls, added pretty stones collected mostly on my hikings in the Solčava region, under the Olševa mountain and thereabouts (in the eastern part of the Karawanks in Slovenia, near the border with Austria  
Now let them grow freely again!