Sunday 5 April 2020

Butarica 2020 - Palm Sunday Bundle

Vsako leto na cvetno nedeljo nesem k blagoslovu butarico in oljčno vejico. Samo letos pa ne ... Še k maši ne morem, razen po spletu ... Pa zelo pogrešam. In se nisem mogla sprijazniti, da ne bi imela butarice, saj imam potem  blagoslovljeno oljčno vejico in butarico v kuhinji na vidnem mestu do naslednje cvetne nedelje.
Each Plam Sunday I take a Palm Sunday Bundle and a smallish olive tree branch to my parish church to have them blessed. But not this year ... I can not even attend a mass in a church, only on the internet ... I do miss it badly. I could not resign myself to not have a Palm Sunday bundle, especially not because I'm used to then keep it on a spot in my kitchen until the next Palm Sunday.  

Na sprehodu v bližnji gozd sem si narezala vrbove vejice, ob cesti našla lepo cipreso, kjer sem odlomila nekaj vejic. Lesnih ostružkov seveda nisem imela kje dobiti, zato sem sfilcala trakove v živih barvah iz merino volne, ki jo imam od Bog ve kje.
During a hike to the nearby forest I cut some willow tree twigs. I got some cypress leaves. Of course, I could get no wood shavings so I felted bands of vividly coloured merion wool that has been lyeing around.

Butarice nisem še nikoli delala sama, vedno sem jo kupila. Je bilo kar nekaj izzivov. Ni kakšno remek delo, a sem je zelo vesela! Pa blagoslovila sem jo tudi, seveda, z blagoslovljeno vodo.
I have never made the bundle myself, I have always bought it ready-made. There were quite a few challenges I must admit. Well it is not a master-piece but I love it!  And of course I said a blessing prayer over it and sprinkled it with blessee water. 

Tako, tule na radiu bo počakala na cvetno nedeljo drugo leto.
It will remain on the radio till next Palm Sunday.