Friday 22 November 2019

Jesensko listje za tiskanje - Autumn leaves for printing

Ko grem mimo kakega drevesa, še lepo obloženega z barvitim jesenskim listjem, si ne morem kaj, da ne bi listov nabirala. Doma jih vložim med liste papirja in obtežim s težkimi knjigami. Tako ostanejo lepo ravni in jih kasneje lahko uporabim za tiskanje. Nekateri listi barvo izgubijo in porjavijo, nekateri pa obdržijo vsaj nekaj barve. Skušala bom vsaj nekaj te barve prenesti na svilo. Če že ne bodo dali barve, bodo pa služili kot šablona in na blagu pustili svoj odtis.

In English:
I just can't refrain from picking beautiful autumn leaves when I pass by a tree still rich in coloured leaves. I put them between sheets of paper and weight them with large heavy books. In this way they remain flat so I may use them later for eco printing. Some may lose their colours to shift to plain brown but some retain at least part of the colour. I'll try to make them impart their colour to silk fabric. And if not, they will still behave as a resist and produce some print.