Sunday, 23 January 2011

Ni bil brasilwood, ampak logwood - Not Brasilwood but Logwood

Ni bil Brasilwood (Rotholz), ampak logwood (Blauholz). Uf, kako ta nemška imena zavajajo :-( Ves čas sem bila negotova, saj sem material dobila v dar, končno pa mi je dvome razpršila Jenny Dean, za kar sem ji hvaležna. No, ne glede na ime je tisto rdečkasto žaganje dalo krasne, močne barve. Pobarvala sem kar nekaj česane volne pa tudi preje. Ko mi jih zmanjka, bom uporabila še preostalo količino žaganja. --- No, it was not Brasilwood but Logwood. I had been given the material as a present and was told its name. Ugh, the German names can be so misleading :-( I was somehow uncertain as to the real nature of the material all the time, and then it was Jenny Dean to clear my doubts - thank you Jenny! Anyhow, regardless of its name the reddish sawdust gave gorgeous intense colours. I dyed both carded wool and yarn. When I run short of it I'll use the remaining amount of the sawdust.