A kaj ko fotografija ne kaže prave barve, tudi ko sem dodala nebarvano volno :-( Na zgornji in na spodnji sliki z vsemi štirimi štrenicami je realna barva rumena druga z desne. Skrajno desna je v resnici topla svetlo rumena, prav nič bež, skrajno levi pa sta zelena in zeleno-rumena, prav nič rjavi v resnici. Ampak tako zeleni kot na tretji sliki pa spet nista ....
No, toliko o slikanju barvane volne. Sicer pa je barva od te gobe zelo obstojna. Pa še to prednost ima tale rjavopor, da ga ni treba pripravljati z lugom in da pri kuhanju nič ne smrdi.
Upam, da pri gobarjih počasi dobim še kakšno drugo zanimivo gobo za barvanje.
I finally managed to obtain a mushroom for dyeing. I am no mushroompicker and have no knowledge of mushrooms except on a plate. I was lucky to be given a dyer's polypore weighing 40 dag. Literature says it gives warm yellows with alum and greens with iron. So I used these two mordants and actually obtained a nice yellow and an olive green.
But the photos won't do them justice even when I added an undyed white ball of wool. In the top and the bottom pictures showing all four skeins the skein showing the real colour is the yellow one lyeing second from right. The skein on the right is warm light yellow with no beige at all. The two skeins on the left are green and greenish yellow, with no brown in them. But still not so very green as the third picture shows them ...
This said about taking pictures of naturally dyed wool, the advantage of this mushroom is the colours are very fast. What's more, no alkali is needed for its preparation and no unpleasant odour produced.
I do hope I get other mushrooms interesting for dyeing.