Na temle grmičku japonskega indiga je "zrasla":
This blue colour has grown on my balcony! No kidding! In real life the colour is turquoise, and my computer screen shows it rather blue.
The colour has grown on the small bush below:
Ta grmiček indiga mi v loncu na balkonu prav dobro dela. Lepo ga zalivam v tej vročini, tisti na vrtu pa večkrat trpijo žejo. V sredi grmička je 30-centimetrsko ravnilo, za oceno velikosti rastline. Indigo je skrit v listih, postopek barvanja pa je - v nasprotju z večino drugih barvilnih rastlin - brez kuhanja.
The plant in the pot on the balcony fares fairly well. I duly water it in this extremely hot weather, whereas those growing in the garden suffer from thirst sometimes. I placed a 30-centimetre ruler in the pot so you may have an idea of the size of the plant. The indigo is hidden in the leaves and the dyeing procedure - in contrast with most other dyeing plants - requires no heating.
Nekaj indiga je ostalo v vodi, ta se ne prime več na volno. S kolegom ga bova poskusila izločiti iz tekočine, da dobiva pigment, nato poskusiva narediti oljno barvo.
To bo še zanimivo to poletje!
Some indigo remained in the water and would not stick to the wool. Together with a colleague dyer we'll try to separate the indigo from the water to obtain pigment and use it to make oil paint.
This year it's going to be a very interesting summer for me!
Komaj čakam, da se temperature malo spustijo in se lotim kakšnega večjega barvanja z rastlinami z vrta.
I'm waiting for the temperature to fall so I can start a larger dyeing project with the plants growing in the garden.