Vse, kar delam z VOLNO - predvsem barvam z rastlinami, filcam, pletem, kvačkam.... pa tudi s SVILO, BOMBAŽEM, pa še kaj drugega zanimivega ... My blog contains my work with WOOL - above all natural dyeing, felting, knitting, crochetting.... and also with SILK, COTTON , and other interesting things off topic ...
V gozdnih požarih avgusta letos v Grčiji je nastala ogromna škoda. Zgorelo je tudi veliko gozda, ki ga je treba znova zasaditi. Manya Maratou z lokalno skupnostjo organizira prodajno razstavo izdelkov umetnostne obrti, da bi zbrali denar za pogozdovanje. Vsi, ki vam je mar okolje, še predobro veste, kako je ponovno pogozdovanje pomembno, tudi zato, da preprečimo širjenje sušnih območij, ki grozi Grčiji.
Na njihovem blogu ( http://attikasos.blogspot.com/) lahko sledite akciji “Umetnost za drevesa” ('Art for Trees'), lahko pa tudi sami prispevate svoje umetniške in /ali ročno narejene izdelke. Zbirajo se na naslovu:
in sicer do konca oktobra. Za vse donacije prisrčna hvala v imenu Manye in njenih sodelavcev.
Mainland in
You may follow the progress of the 'Art for Trees' campaign on the blog http://attikasos.blogspot.com/ and donate your products. Send them to the following address:
to be received by the end of Octobre. Thank you in advance for any donations on behalf of Manya and her teammates.
For a whole year I've been trying to get some colour out of larch bark which I like very much for its colour and odour, but the larch refuses it to me. I collected the bark last August in Robanov kot, a lovely mountain valley with pastures for horses, cattle and pigs, and a hut where you are served old-fashioned shepherds’ dishes, and put it to soak in water.
After three months of soaking the bark I added white wool yarn. Two months later I got something pale, a faint memory of yellowish-pink (the skein on the left).
I left the bark soaking and added white alum mordanted wool yarn. After about three months I got something pale, a faint memory of pinkish-yellow (the skein on the right).
I took another skein of white yarn and cooked it – in fact warmed it in the dyebath for three hours. Since there was not much colour the skein went back to the bath (without the bark) for six weeks. When I washed the wool I got the darkest colour up till then (in the middle). Probably because this was the warmest time of soaking in the dyebath. There is a bit more colour, but nothing special.
I then added 50 grams of alum mordanted carded wool. I warmed it slowly until light vapours were evolving (probably about 70 degrees Celsius). Since there was almost no colour on the wool it went back into the dyebath until yesterday, 6 August, when I washed it. Very little colour stayed on the wool – pale pink – and I did not take any picture of it. I poured the dyebath away since it obviously won’t colour wool.
I saved the barks that had been cooked, without giving much colour, for further use. On 9 May I poured about 1,5 litre of alcohol on it, hoping alcohol might pull some colour out (= extract) of this damn miserly larch bark. Since it absorbed much of it I added more alcohol and water on10 June to cover it completely (and I ran totally out of alcohol).
Today, after three months of soaking the larch bark in alcohol I strained the liquid, poured in some more water and added unmordanted and alum mordanted yarn. I’ve been heating it very slowly, up to 65 deg in three hours, and I intend to heat it a bit above 70 deg. My whole flat smells pleasantly of fruit brandy and I avoid the kitchen as much as I can, in order not to get tipsy from vapours, or even get as mad as a hatter.
The upper picture shows wet larch barks after I’d poured off alcohol. The second picture shows white wool yarn in the dyebath. This is my last try at getting some decent colour from larch bark. I hope for better luck than in previous trials.
Fascinated by the initial (twenty) successful plant prints on silk I cheerfully went on, and this isj one of the printed silk scarf where I even managed to obtain a fast blue colour (which, to my great sorrow, isn't effective in a dyebath). I haven't managed to take photos of other scarves - either the light wasn't right or I I wasn't in the mood :-(
Kaj pa je tole? Nič tako lepega kot svileni šali, samo bombažna majica, ki je s tiskanjem nisem čisto pokvarila, nosila jo bom bolj za "športne" priložnosti.
And what is this? No such beauty as the silk scarves, only a cotton T-shirt that I didn't ruin completely by trying plant printing on it ... well, I may still wear it for "sports" occasions.
Drugi poskusi na bombažu so različni, nekaj je že uporabnega, marsikaj pa (še) ne, ali, kot pravi India Flint, to je šele podlaga za nadaljnje tiskanje.
Other trials on cotton are of various quality, some may be used, many not (yet) or, as India Flint puts it, they are a background pattern for further printing.
Res barve niso več tako žive, vijolična je šla proti rjavi (pa ne toliko, kot je videti na sliki), ampak volna je še vedno čudovita.
Indeed, the colours are not so vivid any more, the burgundy-purple shifted towards brown (not as much as in the picture, though), but the wool is still marvelous.
Navila sem jo še z malo napravico, da lahko nit vlečem iz sredine klobke.
I wound it using a small appliance to be able to pull the yarn from the middle of the ball.
Takole je videti spletena, gladko desne na licu.
This is how it looks when knit, stockinette stich.
Pred nekaj tedni me je premamil blog Helen Melvin, ki je dobila zanimivo barvo z zlato rozgo tik pred cvetenjem. Rezultat je bilo razočaranje - nezanimiva rumena (razen prvega barvanja, ki je dalo močno živorumeno). Odločila sem se, da bom volno prebarvala po delih. Del sem pobarvala z izrabljeno barvilno kopeljo iz rabarbarinih listov in del z izrabljeno kopeljo zelenih orehov. Barve sicer niso ravno moje najljubše, kombinacija pa mi je zelo všeč in sem zdaj prav zadovoljna z rezultatom barvanja, pa še izrabljene barvilne kopeli sem karseda porabila.
Some weeks ago I was tempted by Helen Melvin's report of an interesting colour obtained from goldenrod just prior to bloom. My result was a disappointment - an uninteresting yellow (except for the first dyeing which gave a vivid and strong yellow) so I decided to partly overdye the skeins. I used a rhubarb leaves exhaust bath and a green walnuts exhaust bath for parts of the skein. Although the colours are not just my choice I like their combination very much and am quite happy with the result now. In addition, I made utmost use of my exhaust dyebaths.
Pri njegovi drugi stari mami - mami Slavki - sem opazila rdečelistno lesko. Nekaj listov sem uporabila za naslednji šal.
At his other grandma's - mama Slavka - I noticed a redleaf hazelnut bush. I used a few leaves to make the next scarf.