Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Volneni angelčki, ki "letajo" nad jaslicami. Woolen angels flying over the Nativity.
Pripenjam sliko zadnje postavitve jaslic. Slikala sem jih s fotoaparatom, ne z mobijem, in skušam doseči boljšo kvaliteto fotografije.
I am posting a photo of the latest setting of the Nativity. I took the photo with a real camera, not the one included in my mobile phone, trying to achieve a better quality.
Vesel Božič in srečno novo leto!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Filcane drobnjarije - Small felted items

Filcano milo. Kvadraten kos glicerinskega mila z medom sem ufilcala v volno, barvano z jelševimi listi. Temni kosem volne je namenoma le delno ufilcan, tako da je struktura bolj zanimiva. Felted soap bar. I felted a square bar of glycerine soap with honey into wool dyed with alder tree leaves. The darker wool is intentionally only partly felted into the yellow wool to make the structure more interesting .
Tole rožico sem sfilcala iz več nians rumene barve, ki sem jih dobila z zaporednim barvanjem z vrbovimi listi.
I felted this flower using wool of various nuances of yellow obtained with consecutive dyeing in willow tree leaves dyeing bath.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Copati model "jelša" - Slippers type "Alder tree"

Še eni copati - tokrat natikači. Pripravljena česana volna - naravna siva za zunanjost in rumena, obarvana z jelševimi listi, za notranjost, naložena in odrezana po modelu za oba copata. Another pair of slippers. The carded wool - natural grey for the outer surface and yellow, dyed with alder leaves, for the inner surface, is layered and cut on the template for both slippers.
Taki so bili copati, dokončno sfilcani in oprani v pralnem stroju. This is how the slippers looked like when they were full felted and washed in the washing machine.
Spodnji dve sliki: Oblikovani in posušeni copati (dva dni) - občutek je res - volnen!
The two bottom pictures: Formed and dried (two days) slippers - they feel ... well, wooly!

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Krhlji moje mame - My mum's dried apple slices

Moja mama skrbno in vztrajno pobira svoja odpadla jabolka sorte jonatan, jih očisti, nareže na krhlje in počasi suši v pečici. Posuši jih tako, da ji držijo vse leto, tudi v dveh letih nič ne splesni. Takole jih shrani v kozarcih. (Žal na sliki barve niso čisto realne, v resnici so krhlji še lepši.)
My mum picks her Jonathan apples fallen on the ground, steadily and with great care. She removes any dirt, bruised and rot spots, slices them and dries them slowly in the oven. She dries them so much that they will sit throughout a whole year. There is no mould even after two years. This is how she keeps them in glass containers. (Unfortunately the picture doesn't present realistic colours - the dried slices look much lovelier in real life.)

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Copati model "rabarbara" - Slippers type "Rhubarb"

Copati so končani in močno občudovani.
The slippers are completed and much admired.

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Barvanje (volne) z rastlinami - Natural (wool) dyeing

Volna, pripravljena in natehtana za izdelavo filcanih copat Barvana s korenino rabarbare
Wool prepared and weighed for wet felting of slippers. Dyed with rhubarb roots.
Mokro filcani copati v fazi, ko sem filc na modelu prerezala in nadaljevala filcanje - oblikovanje in krčenje. Wet felted slippers in the phase when I cut the felt on the form and continued the felting process - forming and fulling.