Wednesday 24 September 2008

Krhlji moje mame - My mum's dried apple slices

Moja mama skrbno in vztrajno pobira svoja odpadla jabolka sorte jonatan, jih očisti, nareže na krhlje in počasi suši v pečici. Posuši jih tako, da ji držijo vse leto, tudi v dveh letih nič ne splesni. Takole jih shrani v kozarcih. (Žal na sliki barve niso čisto realne, v resnici so krhlji še lepši.)
My mum picks her Jonathan apples fallen on the ground, steadily and with great care. She removes any dirt, bruised and rot spots, slices them and dries them slowly in the oven. She dries them so much that they will sit throughout a whole year. There is no mould even after two years. This is how she keeps them in glass containers. (Unfortunately the picture doesn't present realistic colours - the dried slices look much lovelier in real life.)

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