Macesnova skorja -- pobarvano - Larch bark dyeing -- dyed
Takale je zdaj zadnja volna po vseh celoletnih poskusih - tale je iz "šnopsa". Pa take lepe barve so na skorji (na spodnji sliki), samo kaj, ko jih ne dobim na volno :-(
No, če že barva ni kaj posebnega, je bilo pa vsaj barvanje v alkoholnih hlapih nadvse veselo he-he-hik...
The latest of an entire year's attempts looks like this – the yarn comes out of "spirits". And to think how beautiful the colours look on the bark (in the picture below), but they won't be transferred permanently onto the wool :-(
Well, if the colour is nothing special, at least the dyeing in alcohol vapours was a merry one he-he-hiccup...
Na balkonu sem našla še eno vedro, kjer se v vodi namaka macesnova skorja. Barvilna kopel je bila lepo temno rjavo-rdeča, pa sem volno nekaj ur pogrevala do okrog 50 stopinj. Barva se ni prijela, pa sem vedro postavila nazaj na balkon. Od časa do časa premešam in čakam, če se bo volna slučajno pomotoma tokrat pa le obarvala. To hladno barvanje (če je res hladno, ker ga ne segrevam, ampak na tem zaprtem balkonu je vsako popoldne krepko čez 30) bom pustila nekaj tednov.
I found another pail in the balcony with larch bark soaking in water. The dyebath was nice dark brownish-red, so I put some yarn in it and warmed up to about 50 degrees centigrade for a few hours. The colour didn't cling to the yarn so the pail went back to the balcony. I stir now and then and wait in case the wool takes the colour by some mistake. I intend to maintain this cold dyeing bath (if it may be called cold because I don't heat it, but the temperature climbs fairly above 30 deg in this closed balcony in the afternoons) for some weeks.
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