Sunday, 28 March 2010


Končno sem se lotila tudi naravnega barvanja z indigom. Dobila sem ga od Alje, ki je nekoč mislila, da bo tudi barvala z rastlinami, potem se je pa usmerila bolj v filcanje in me prosila, če kaj pobarvam še zanjo. Delala sem po receptu iz knjige J. N. Liles: The Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing. Celo leto sem prebirala Lilesove recepte, pa objave na blogih Leene Riihelä, Jenny Dean in Helen Melvin, uživala v njihovih fotografijah in opisih, januarja sem se pa le lotila tega smrdljivega opravila. Rezultat je vreden napora, prav gotovo se bom barvanja z naravnim indigom še lotila. Zdaj pa na rdeče barve - barvilni brošč (Rubia tinctorum) že vabi! I finally set myself to dyeing with natural indigo I had been given by Alja - she'd intended to do some natural dyeing but then turned mostly to felting and asked me to do some indigo dyeing also for her. I proceeded according to Liles "Good Old Sig Vat" recipe no. 1. I was re-reading Liles' recipes, posts on the blogs of Leena Riihelä, Jenny Dean and Helen Melvin for one entire year, enjoying in their descriptions and pictures. In January I finally set an indigo vat (smelly, sigh). The result is well worth the effort (and nasal suffering), I'll sure make another indigo vat some day. And now for the reds - madder is calling!