Končno sem se lotila tudi naravnega barvanja z indigom. Dobila sem ga od Alje, ki je nekoč mislila, da bo tudi barvala z rastlinami, potem se je pa usmerila bolj v filcanje in me prosila, če kaj pobarvam še zanjo. Delala sem po receptu iz knjige J. N. Liles: The Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing. Celo leto sem prebirala Lilesove recepte, pa objave na blogih Leene Riihelä, Jenny Dean in Helen Melvin, uživala v njihovih fotografijah in opisih, januarja sem se pa le lotila tega smrdljivega opravila. Rezultat je vreden napora, prav gotovo se bom barvanja z naravnim indigom še lotila.
Zdaj pa na rdeče barve - barvilni brošč (Rubia tinctorum) že vabi!
I finally set myself to dyeing with natural indigo I had been given by Alja - she'd intended to do some natural dyeing but then turned mostly to felting and asked me to do some indigo dyeing also for her. I proceeded according to Liles "Good Old Sig Vat" recipe no. 1. I was re-reading Liles' recipes, posts on the blogs of Leena Riihelä, Jenny Dean and Helen Melvin for one entire year, enjoying in their descriptions and pictures. In January I finally set an indigo vat (smelly, sigh). The result is well worth the effort (and nasal suffering), I'll sure make another indigo vat some day.
And now for the reds - madder is calling!
I admire your courage in attempting this vat! and the results are great....maybe I should try it- I have been procastrinating too long. thanks, Ladka
Lovely results-fabulous blues. Congratulations. Helen
What a lovely range of colours, well done. Alison
Hi Alison! And this is not half of what 100 grams of indigo powder gave me. There are the carded batts (if this is the right English word) and the greens still waiting to be photographed.
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Lovely blues. Hope that I can dye with indigo one day! :)
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