Borovnice in šentjanževka - Blueberries and St. John's wort
Le kje se mudi pomlad??!! V moji vazi je takorekoč že poletje, saj borovnice ne samo zelenijo, ampak tudi že cvetijo - tile mali snežnobeli cvetki so borovnice, ki so vzcvetele v cvetličarskem šopku od začetka februarja.
But where is spring lingering??!! There is summer in my vase, so to say, since the bluberries are not only leafy but already in flowers - the small snowwhite flowers are blueberries that started to bloom in a florist bouquet since beginning of February.
Da laže čakam na bolj svetle, tople, sončne in barvite dni, si pomagam z lepimi volnami, pobarvanimi s cvetjem šentjanževke (sliki zgoraj in spodaj). Te barve me res razveselijo vsakič, ko jih pogledam!
To make my waiting for brighter, warmer, sunnier and more colourful days easier I have recourse to my lovely wool yarns dyed with St. John's wort flowers (see the picture above and below). These colours make me happy every time I watch them!
oh yes, I so agree with you! I'am longing to the spring. Your last photo associates me Italien icecream.....
He-he, I never ever thought my dyed wools might remind anyone of icecream! My associations have always been with something warm, not icy...
By the way, it's snowing again here today and the first snowdrops, crocuses and other early spring flowers are covered with snow.
Ravnokar sem videla na forumu naslov bloga v podpisu in že 10 minut klikam slikice in starejša sporočila in lahko rečem samo čudovito, čudovito in še enkrat čudovito! Volne so božanske, filcanje pa itak :) Ampak te naravne barve voln, uh uh uh!!
Lp, Katja
Beautiful colors indeed, cheers from New Zealand Marie
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