Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Sončnica in kozmeja (2) - Sunflower and yellow cosmos (2)

Kozmeja se je zelo dobro izkazala na volni. Pobarvala sem tri majhne štrenice, žal pa jih nisem slikala, preden sem najbolj intenzivno oranžno prodala (neki deklici, ki jo je hotela, da bo spletla šal svojemu plišastemu medvedku).
Že barvam naslednjo serijo: ena štrenica v prvi kopeli (se suši) in tri štrenice v drugi kopeli - od tega ena v pranju, dve pa se čez noč namakata v barvilni kopeli, ki sem ji dodala sodo bikarbono. 
Na sliki je še volna, barvana z zelenimi orehi - rjava, s čebulo - zelenkasto rumena, (verjetno) rabarbaro - bež in silino - indigo modra.
Res je čudovito takole shranjevati poletne barve za sive, temačne zimske dni!
Yellow cosmos proved to be very effective on wool. I dyed three small skeins. To my shame I must admit I took no pictures before selling the most intensive orange skein (to a small girl who wanted it to knit a scarf for her teddy bear).
A second batch is already underway: one skein in the first dyeing (it is drying) and three skeins in the second dyeing, of which one is being washed and two are soaking in the dyebath to which I added a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate.
Shown in the picture are also skeins dyed with green walnuts - brown, with onion skins - greenish yellow, (probably) rhubarb - beige and with woad - indigo blue. 
It is so wonderful to preserve summer colours for the grey, dull winter days!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Sončnica in kozmeja - Sunflower and yellow cosmos

Sončnicam je letošnje vroče vreme zelo prijalo, če že drugim rastlinam na vrtu ni preveč. Tako cvetove sproti režem, da mi krasijo dnevno sobo, ko začnejo veneti, pa uporabim še za barvanje.
Sunflowers liked this summer's hot weather, if most other plants in my garden didn't. So I cut flower heads regularly and use them to decorate my living room. When they start to wilt I use them for natural dyeing.
Ker se mi je zdelo premalo materiala od ene sončnice, sem potrgala še nekaj cvetov kozmeje, ki raste tudi na balkonu, dodala nekaj posušenih cvetov kozmeje ...
Since the material from only one sunflower head appeared to be insufficient for a good dye bath I also picked some flower heads on the cosmos growing in a pot on my balkony, and added a few dried ones...

... in skuhala barvilno kopel.
Volna se še pere oziroma počasi barva v hladni kopeli - slike prihodnjič.

... and boiled everything to obtain a dyebath.
Wool is being washed or undergoing slow dyeing in a cool bath - pictures coming soon.


Monday, 19 August 2013

Barvano+nebarvano - Dyed +undyed

Pred časom sem dobila zelo lepo domačo volno od črne ovce, se pravi dejansko temno rjave. Ostrigli so jagnjice, volno skrbno odbrali in jo dali sčesat. Je izredno mehka, čista, skoraj brez smeti in tudi zelo malo resasta.
Taki volni sem morala dati priložnost, da pride do izraza v vsej svoji lepoti in žlahtnosti, zato sem jo uporabila za filcane copate, ki so zunaj samo iz te volne, v notranjosti pa je volna, barvana z zelenimi orehi, da jo bolj poudari. 

Copati so bili tako lepi, da sem jih prav s težkim srcem nesla naročnici. Ampak sem bila poplačana: ostala je brez besed in copate kar božala. Njena mama jih bo gotovo tudi zelo vesela in jih bo rada nosila.

Some time ago I got very beautiful wool of our native sheep - black, which is in fact dark brown. The owners sheared young ewes, carfully discarded the bad parts of the fleece and had the selected fleece carded. it is extremely soft, clean of almost any dirt and vegetable matter and with very little kemp.

Such wool had to be given the opportunity to show all its beauty and nobleness so I used it to felt slippers with outside layers uniquely from this wool and an inner layer of wool dyed with green walnuts for greater accent.

The slippers came out so beautiful I gave them to the custommer with a heavy heart. However, I was well paid off: she remained speechless, stroking them. Her mother will doubtlessly be glad to receive them and will love to wear them.

Pa še dve dodatni sliki:

Two more pictures: